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Winning Tactics to Beat the Application Tracking Systems (ATS)


Winning Tactics to Beat the Application Tracking Systems (ATS)

Ever felt like your CV was swallowed by a black hole, never to be seen again? Well, you're not alone. You might have fallen victim to the unsympathetic beast known as the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). The question is: how can we beat the application tracking system, and get your CV in front of human eyes?

In this journey together, we will discover ways to create an ATS-friendly CV that doesn’t lose its charm for hiring managers. We’ll learn why certain CVs are left unread while others sail through smoothly. Stick around if becoming a master at tailoring your CV for each job opening sounds appealing!

Understanding Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

When it comes to landing your dream job, one of the first hurdles is getting past an invisible gatekeeper - the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). A study shows that 98% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS for their recruitment process. What precisely are these systems and how do they shape your job search?

The Role of ATS in Recruitment

An applicant tracking system works as a digital assistant during hiring processes at large companies. It automates early stages tasks such as sorting CVs. This helps recruiters sift through heaps of applications quickly.

Hiring managers lean on this software because it’s designed to read CVs and evaluate them based on pre-set criteria like keywords related to the position or industry jargon. If you're applying online for customer service roles or any other field really, understanding how an ATS operates can be crucial in taking a step closer towards securing that interview call.

How ATS Saves Company Time

You might wonder why firms need automated help when they have human involvement in recruiting candidates? The answer lies within efficiency: processing thousands of applications manually would consume substantial company time; however, with an ATS doing most heavy lifting initially makes things smoother.

This technology doesn't just save precious hours by sifting through piles upon piles but also assists recruiters in managing every application more effectively — which leads us back to its central role: streamlining recruitment.

The Importance Of An ATS-Friendly CV

To beat applicant tracking systems successfully requires some understanding of their logic. Knowing that they're designed to read CVs and sort them based on certain criteria, we can optimise our CVs accordingly.

Parsing Errors That Lead To Rejection

ATS is programmed to read a CV's content in a specific way. A common pitfall for job seekers is using fancy CV templates or graphics which the software may struggle with, leading it not properly parsing your application and resulting in an automatic rejection - even if you’re perfect for the role.

Remember, while it's important to let your creativity shine in your CV, you need to balance this with the constraints of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). This approach can significantly boost the likelihood that recruiters will see and appreciate your skills and experience.

Formatting Your CV for ATS

To avoid joining those unfortunate souls who've been knocked back without even setting foot through the door, we must understand what makes an CV 'ATS-friendly'.

Bullet points should look like they were made for humans but also pass muster with machine readers too. Remember, machines don’t appreciate creative formatting tricks or mysterious abbreviations like we flesh-and-blood types do.

Your contact information should be at the top, followed by a profile/summary and key skills section underneath. Make sure your work experience is in reverse chronological order (that's most recent first), and include dates as well. Ensure you're using relevant keywords in your content. Also, remember that it's not just about stuffing as many keywords in there as possible; quality matters more than quantity.

Tailoring Your CV for Each Job Application

Every job is unique, so your CV should be too. Tailoring your CV to each job application increases your chances of success and gets you a step closer to landing that dream job.

The first rule in customising your CV is understanding the entire job description. This involves more than just glancing over it - it requires careful analysis.

To do this effectively, focus on bullet points outlining responsibilities and requirements. These sections are often packed with valuable keywords which can help increase the visibility of your CV during an ATS screen.

Analyse every single word mentioned under qualifications or skills needed; these are critical hints about what hiring managers want to see in candidates' applications. Make sure you echo them in both content and tone within relevant sections of your own document if they apply to you.

Case Studies in Your CV

The power of case studies and recommendations cannot be overstated when crafting a compelling CV. These elements can bring your CV to life, providing tangible evidence of your abilities and past successes.

Consider including case studies as they offer hiring managers an exciting peek into your professional world. Rather than simply listing "customer service" or "project management", you get to showcase these skills through real-life examples that paint a vivid picture.

A well-structured case study might start by setting up the challenge you faced at a previous job, followed by the approach you took to tackle it, and concluding with the results achieved. It's storytelling at its finest - bringing dry bullet points on a CV to life.

Leveraging Recommendations for Greater Impact

In addition to using engaging narratives via case studies, let others speak about your prowess too. Recommendations from former colleagues or supervisors lend credibility and further reinforce what is mentioned elsewhere in your CV. A strong recommendation carries weight because it represents another person’s endorsement of your work ethic, character traits or accomplishments.
While LinkedIn profile endorsements are valuable resources where potential employers can find more detailed testimonials about you; including brief yet impactful snippets right on your CV could tip scales in favour when they’re deciding who makes their shortlist.


"John's commitment towards his duties was exemplary. He single-handedly managed multiple projects while maintaining top-notch quality in his deliverables." - Former Supervisor

Make sure to get permission before including someone's quote about you. And remember, a good recommendation doesn’t just praise but also provides context and detail.


Understanding the ATS and how it works is your first step to beat the application tracking system. With this knowledge, you can tailor your CV, making sure it's an easy read for both software and human eyes.

Keep in mind that 70% of CVs get rejected due to parsing errors or lack of optimisation. So, follow instructions carefully when applying online.

Mirroring job titles and using exact keywords from job postings are key strategies. Remember: customising your CV for each job application gets you a step closer to success.

Incorporating case studies into your CV showcases previous roles while highlighting skills.

To sum up: master these tactics, make them work for you - landing that dream job might be easier than you think!

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CV, Resume & LinkedIn Expert / Lead Presenter